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What does Text In Voting Look like when it's turned on?
How do I know if my package includes text in voting?
How do I use Text In Voting?
Where do I see the results from text-in voting?
How can I test if Text In Voting is working?
What is the cost of text-in voting?
Why should I add text-in voting?
How do I request text-in voting?
I can't see my phone number for text in voting.
Can I only have text in voting, and not the other stuff?
How do I add Competitor or Judge Registration?
How do I edit my Judge or Competitor registration?
Why should I use RocketJudge registration instead of Google Forms/etc. for registration?
How much does Registration cost?
Where can I see my Judge Registration link?
Where can I see and download my Judge Registration Results?
Where can I see my Competitor Registration link?
Where can I see and download my Competitor Registration Results?
I can't see my Competitor or Judge Registration link or Results.