The best way to explain the difference between Competitor Name and Description is by showing an example.
Below, for Competitor #11, Omni Lift is the Competitor Name. The Competitor description is "An insertable lumbar support device that expands to exactly the right angle."
For Competitor #34, only the Competitor Name- Orbital Calculator- is visible.
The Competitor Name is what is BIG on the Judge Ballot. We generally recommend for competitions in physical space, like a poster session or expo, that the Name be whatever is biggest on the display.
The Competitor Description only appears when the Judge clicks or taps on the Competitor Name. This shows the Ballot for that Competitor. (Above, the Ballot for Competitor #11 is shown, and #34 is not.)
There are lots of ways to do this, and really, it depends on what additional information you want to give to the Judges beyond the Competitor Name and ID. We also have some fancy options: click here to learn about using the Description to embed video and click here to embed links.
Below are a few examples of what you might include as the Competitor Description.
Competitor Name: Outrunning Imperial Starships
Competitor Description: Han Solo
Competitor Name: Outrunning Imperial Starships
Competitor Description: Han Solo - Corellia High School
Competitor Name: Outrunning Imperial Starships
Competitor Description: Han Solo, Room 1, Talk #2
Competitor Name: Outrunning Imperial Starships
Competitor Description: Room 1, Talk #2
Competitor Name: Outrunning Imperial Starships
Competitor Description: 10:30 AM- 11:00 AM